聚热点 juredian

【歌词】simple days / 歌手:Babyface

Babyface--Simple Days

I was born on the northside of a midwestern town

There was nine of us living in a three bedroom house

Didn"t have much money, but we made do

"Cause Momma worked all day long

And Daddy did too

Did all they could

Made sure we had clothes and food

Went to public schools and we followed public rules

We used second hand books

but oh I didn"t mind the books

Momma taught us early in life

Everybody"s gotta struggle sometime

Bring back those simple times of yesterday

When a man was a man

And a friend was a friend

Bring back those simple times of yesterday

When you said what you meant

And you meant what you said

Had a friend named Bobby

Who always kept his word

We went through schoolyard fights

Had a thing f






吕姓作为中国一大姓氏,名人辈出。今日小编分享一组姓吕顺口名字,来参考一下吧~【吕宛静】宛: 五行:土。美好、婉约、动人、不凡意指温柔如水、貌美如花、婀娜多姿。静...(展开)