聚热点 juredian

【歌词】I m Getting Over You / 歌手:The Click Five

I found your picture in my wallet

still got your sweater in my closet

I’ll bring ’em by

maybe tonight

and people asking how i’m doing

but every question still has you in

I say I’m fine

and I never think about you

but you’re always on my mind

I’m getting over you

I’m getting over you most of the time

if I say it like I mean it

then maybe ill believe it like its true

I’m getting over you

I’ve been playing the songs you hated

I called the girl I almost dated

shes not the one

but I’m having fun



 【歌词】小拥抱 / 歌手:吴丹妮

歌曲名称:小拥抱歌手:吴丹妮专辑:小拥抱时间补偿值:0小拥抱 - 吴丹妮词:吴丹妮/刘家泽曲:王大鹏编曲:王中易/高胜混音:任天宇母带:王宇呈想赖在你的怀抱听你...(展开)


 【歌词】路加福音 22:39-4...



 【歌词】独歌 / 歌手:kexi...

三千弱水汇成河我只取一瓢解渴繁华开尽人间颜色花开堪折直需折堂前皆是名利客怎会将荣华割舍谁独唱那首悲歌却无人来和日沉 望山河深深沧海桑田变几更 转瞬一梦春秋两分 ...(展开)