聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Turn Me Round / 歌手:Weezer

Tell me you love me

Tell me that you"re mine again

Tell me you won"t turn away

Turn like the seasons

Turn back to me once again

Circling all the way

Once you were my blue-eyed prince

Walking love from an endless sleep

You made all of my wishes come true

Turing all of my dreams into you

Turing and swirling and whirling round you again

Twirling and curling round you

Turning and burning and yearning for you again

All my life with you

But lately I"m losing sleep

someone esle is in your eyes

Won"t you turn back to me my love

Won"t you stop telling me lies

Turing and swirling and whirling round you again

Twirling and curling round you

Turning and burning and yearning for you again

All my life with you

It is a chance, a romane

It"s a dance we do

Turning in circles we go

Turning like the seasons

Turning back to me once again







文 | 谢泽锋编辑 | 杨旭然法国巴黎车展上,面对中国电动车的大放异彩。法国总统马克龙在展台上满面愁容,他当众疾呼:“欧洲必须觉醒”。不仅法国,长久屹立于世界汽...(展开)