Anger as Poole harbour oil leak puts protected wildlife at risk
【1】Environmental activists, biodiversity experts, politicians and nature lovers are demanding answers over an oil leak in Poole harbour, a site internationally recognised for its ecological importance. Nearly 200 barrels of reservoir fluid – a brine mixture that is about 15% oil – leaked into the waters of Ower bay on Sunday afternoon from a pipeline operated by the energy company Perenco. Oil slicks were reported across Poole harbour, Europe’s largest natural harbour in Europe and one of its most heavily protected areas. The RSPB has already recorded sightings of oiled birds in the harbour – home to thousands of birds, including nationally and internationally important wetland species.
【2】Poole harbour Commissioners (PHC), the harbour regulator responsible for leading the cleanup response, insisted yesterday the picture was improving, with aerial footage suggesting there had been a 60-70% reduction in oil sightings on the water. However, Philip Broadhead , the leader of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole council, expressed “anger” at the leak, adding “serious questions” would be asked over how the spill occurred, while a protest broke out in Poole Quay. He said: “I am clearly angry and disappointed . This is the second-largest natural harbour [in the world], award-winning beaches, very delicate ecosystem.“The natural reaction is to be very worried.”He added: “It’s unacceptable – the operator has already said there will be an investigation … but some serious questions need to be answered.”
昨天,负责领导清理行动的港口管理者普尔港委员会(PHC)坚称情况正有所改观,航拍画面显示,水面可见石油面积已经减少了60-70%。然而,伯恩茅斯(Bournemouth)、克赖斯特彻奇(Christchurch)和普尔市议会领导人菲利普·布罗德海德(Philip Broadhead)对这场泄漏事故表示“愤怒”,并补充称将提出“严肃问题”,以探究石油泄露原因,同时普尔码头发生了抗议活动。他说:“毫无疑问,我非常愤怒并感到失望。这是[世界上]第二大天然港,这里的海滩屡获殊荣,生态系统非常脆弱。这场事故对自然环境产生的影响非常令人担忧。”他补充道:“这是不可接受的——负责人已经说将会对此进行调查……但还有一些重要问题需要解答。”
【3】Protesters joined a demonstration spearheaded by the environmental activists Extinction Rebellion in Poole Quay, with many lifting bannersreading: “Perenco Out”.One protester, Richard Ecclestone, 60, made it quite clear that the spill was unacceptable.He said: “We are in the last chancesaloon to make changes to stop these things happening. “It’s other species that are paying the costs for our mistakes. We have to respect and honour what we have around us.”
抗议者在普尔码头参加了由环保活动组织“灭绝叛乱”( Extinction Rebellion)牵头的示威活动,许多人举着横幅,上面写有“佩朗科出局”。其中一位60岁的抗议者理查德·埃克莱斯顿(Richard Ecclestone)明确表示,石油泄漏是不可接受的。他说:“现在是我们做出改变、阻止此类事情的发生的最后机会。为我们的错误付出代价的是其他物种。我们必须尊重和珍惜周围的一切。”
【4】The Greenpeace UK climate campaigner Philip Evans said: “This latest spill demonstrates the environmental devastation that comes with oil and gas drilling.”Dr Malcolm Hudson , an associate professor in environmental science at the University of Southampton, said: “While we don’t know the full extent of the leak yet, a spill in Poole harbour raises particular concerns.“It’s a very large enclosed bay – and so pollutants may not be flushedout quickly by the tides.“Also, it’s a very low -energy environment, so unlike a spill on an open coast there won’t be much wave action to help break down and disperse the oil.“Poole harbour is especially sensitive, and internationally protected for the wildlife there.”
绿色和平组织英国气候活动家菲利普·埃文斯(Philip Evans)说:“最近的漏油事故表明,油气开采已经破坏了自然环境。”南安普顿大学环境科学专业的副教授马尔科姆·哈德森博士(Dr Malcolm Hudson)说:“尽管现在我们还不了解这场漏油事件的全貌,但在普尔港发生的泄露事件的确尤其引人担忧。这是个非常大的封闭海港,所以污染物可能不会那么快地被海浪冲走。同时,这是一种非常低能的环境,因此它不会像在开放海岸发生的泄露一样,因为这种环境里不会有太多波浪来分解、扩散石油。普尔港的环境尤其敏感,而且那里还有世界级保护野生动物。”
【5】PHC carried out a survey of the harbour yesterday morning involving 100 people, helicopters and drones.It said it was working with local authorities to monitor and clean up the spill in the harbour using the shoreline clean up and assessment technique (Scat).It said in a statement: “aerial footage gathered today suggests that there is a 60-70% reduction in oil sightings on the water. “Collection of oil from sightings has already commenced and is being recovered to a safe waste recovery site on the port estate.”
【6】Members of the public have been urged to avoid using the water and beaches within the harbour.The leak occurred at Perenco’s Wytch Farm oilfield and processing facility, which has been in operation since 1979. It produces 14,000 barrels of oil a day. Franck Dy , Perenco UK’s Wytch Farm general manager, said: “Any spill is an extremely serious matter and a full investigation will be launched to ascertain what happened in Poole harbour.“It is important to stress that the situation is under control, with the discharge of fluids having been stopped, and the spill is being contained.”The Environment Agency is supporting the port authority in responding, including on the clean up operation. It is understood that once the clean up operation is concluded, the agency, which is the UK’s regulator of onshore gas and oil industry, will consider whether Perenco has breached the condition of its permits.
政府呼吁民众避免使用普尔港里面的水域和海滩。泄漏事故发生在佩朗科管理下的威奇法姆油田和加工设施,该油田自1979年开始运营。其石油日产量是14000桶。佩朗科英国威奇法姆油田的总经理弗兰克·戴(Franck Dy)称:“任何石油泄漏都是极其严重的事件,对此我们将会进行全面调查,以确定普尔港到底哪里出了问题。很重要的是,我们要强调情况已经得到控制,流体排放已经停止,泄漏也正在得到控制。”环境署正在协助港口方面采取应对措施,其中就包括清理行动。据了解,清理行动一旦结束,英国近岸油气产业管理机构环境署将考虑佩朗科是否违反了许可证上列出的相关条件。
1)原文:The RSPB has already recorded sightings of oiled birds in the harbour – home to thousands of birds, including nationally and internationally important wetland species..
词典:home to 是……的家乡
例句:Jamaica is home to over two million people.
2)原文:This latest spill demonstrates the environmental devastation that comes with oil and gas drilling.
词典:come with 伴随……发生
例句:Major loans like these always come with strings.
3)原文:Also, it’s a very low -energy environment, so unlike a spill on an open coast there won’t be much wave action to help break down and disperse the oil.
词典:break down 分解
例句:It also means there are no moving parts to break down.
4)原文:Members of the public have been urged to avoid using the water and beaches within the harbour.
词典:urge ... to do 敦促……做某事
例句:He denounces people who urge him to alter his ways.
Environmental activists, biodiversity experts, politicians and nature lovers are demanding answers over an oil leak in Poole harbour, a site internationally recognised for its ecological importance.
l 红色部分是主句,是主系表结构。绿色部分是介词短语作宾语补足语。
l 紫色部分是同位语结构,进一步解释说明Poole harbour。
l 蓝色部分是过去分词短语做后置定语,修饰a site。
Protesters joined a demonstration spearheaded by the environmental activists Extinction Rebellion in Poole Quay, with many lifting banners reading: “Perenco Out”.
抗议者在普尔码头参加了由环保活动组织“灭绝叛乱”(Extinction Rebellion )牵头的示威活动,许多人举着横幅,上面写有“佩朗科出局”。
l 红色部分是主句,是主谓宾结构。橙色部分是过去分词作后置定语修饰 a demonstration。
l 蓝色部分是同位语,解释说明the environmental activists。绿色部分是介词短语,做地点状语。
l 紫色部分是with复合结构,其中 many lifting banners 是宾语, lifting banners是现在分词做宾补, reading: “Perenco Out”是现在分词作后置定语,修饰banners。
该公司的威奇法姆油田总经理弗兰克·迪称,“任何泄漏都是极其严重的事情,将展开全面调查以确定普尔港发生的事情。重要的是要强调情况已得到控制,排放的石油已经停止,泄漏正在被控制。” 英国卫生安全局表示,公众不应在普尔港或周边地区游泳,并补充称,“任何接触到泄漏物的人应立即用肥皂和水清洗。如果眼睛接触到泄漏物,应用清水冲洗。”