

美国麦哲伦导航定位公司、泰雷兹导航(Magellan Corporation)
美国麦哲伦导航定位公司(Magellan Corporation)(原:泰雷兹导航)是消费产品、测绘产品、GIS和OEM GPS 导航及定位产品市场中的领导者。





  麦哲伦是全球第一个手持GPS 商标,1989年便推出了消费类的手持GPS,至今保持着在消费类GPS领先的地位.

  作为公认的行业创新者,公司开发了一流的Magellan® RoadMate® 系列便携式车辆导航系统、Magellan eXplorist® 野外手持导航设备,Hertz NeverLost®车辆导航系统以及市场上最畅销的单频GPS测量生产线ProMark® 。通过麦哲伦的品牌,公司得到了全世界的认可。在GPS技术在消费市场和商业应用中迅速增长的同时,公司营业额有了极大幅度的增长。

  公司的总部设在美国加利福尼亚洲的圣克拉拉市,欧洲区的总部设在法国的南特的Carquefou。公司前身为美国泰雷兹导航定位公司, 2001年5月从美国轨道公司(Orbital Corp.)成功收购麦哲伦与阿什泰克卫星定位部分业务,同时成立美国泰雷兹导航定位公司新的业务。在2006年9月重新命名为麦哲伦导航定位公司。


  • 1965 Sercel公司在法国成立,主要经营电子产品。
  • 1978 美国国防部为军事应用建立NAVSTAR(全球卫星导航系统),又称GPS(全球定位系统),有11颗卫星在轨。
  • 1980 卫星上安装了GPS原子钟。MLR Electronique ,一家无线电导航公司(后来改为经营GPS产品)在法国成立。
  • 1982 前苏联发射了第一颗GLONASS卫星。
  • 1983 一架韩国客机被前苏联士兵击落之后,里根总统宣布GPS不再作为机密的服务,GPS从单纯的军用系统变为面向公众提供服务。
  • 1985 Sercel公司研制出了欧洲的第一台GPS接收机。
  • 1986 麦哲伦系统有限公司下属的GPS消费产品公司在加利福尼亚成立。
  • 1987 Ashtech有限公司,一家专业的GPS产品公司,在加利福尼亚成立
  • 1989 麦哲伦开发了世界上第一台商用手持GPS接收机NAV 1000。Ashtech公司研发出第一台差分GPS接收机。
  • 1994 轨道科学有限公司收购了麦哲伦系统公司。
  • 1995 由24颗GPS卫星组成的星群全部在轨运行;GPS系统宣布全面运行。
  • 1996 Sercel将旗下的无线定位公司卖给了Dassault电子,成立了一家合资的Dassault Sercel导航定位公司。美国总统克林顿批准将在全世界范围内取消SA干扰以提高GPS精度。1996年美国总统克林顿宣布将取消SA码干扰政策之后,民用精度达到10-15米,较之从前100米的精度已经有了很大的提高,这对于GPS工业和GPS用户来说都是一个重大的突破。
  • 1997 麦哲伦推出了第一款手持全球卫星通信机——GSC 100。麦哲伦系统与Ashtech有限公司合并为麦哲伦有限公司。麦哲伦将全世界第一款手持GPS接收机推入市场,定价不到$100。
  • 1998 Dassault电子公司获得了Dassault Sercel导航定位公司的全部股份
  • 1999 Dassault电子公司与Thomson-CSF集团下属的两家公司合并以后,成立了Thomson-CSF Detexis。这次合并之后,Dassault Sercel导航定位公司更名为DSNP。
  • 2000 DSNP收购了MLR电子。同年,Thomson-CSF改名为Thales集团。
  • 2001 作为Thales集团的下属公司,DSNP更名为Thales导航定位公司。Thales集团将麦哲伦纳入到Thales导航定位公司, 成为了全球GPS行业的领军人物。
  • 2006 Thales导航被一家Shah Capital Partners领导的投资集团收购,公司又重新更名为麦哲伦。

Magellan is a leader in the consumer, survey, GIS and OEM GPS navigation and positioning markets.

Recognized as an industry innovator, the Company is the creator of the award-winning Magellan® RoadMateTM series portable car navigation systems, the Magellan eXploristTM outdoor handheld navigation devices, the Hertz NeverLost® car navigation system and ProMarkTM, the best-selling single frequency GPS survey product line on the market. The company is recognized worldwide through its Magellan brand and has experienced dramatic revenue growth as GPS technology has proliferated across a range of consumer and commercial applications.

The Company is headquartered in Santa Clara, California with European headquarters in Carquefou, France.



1965 Sercel founded as electronics company in France.

1978 NAVSTAR (Navigation System with Timing And Ranging), now known as GPS (Global Positioning System), launched by U.S. Department of Defense for military use, with 11 satellites in orbit.


1980 GPS atomic clocks onboard satellites activated. MLR Electronique, a radio-navigation (and later consumer GPS) company is founded in France.

1982 First GLONASS satellites launched by the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense.

1983 GPS declassified by President Reagan after a Korean Airliner was shot down by Soviet fighters. GPS moves from pure military effort to public project.

1985 First European GPS receiver developed by Sercel.

1986 Magellan Systems Corporation consumer GPS company founded in California. 1987 Ashtech Corporation, a professional products GPS company, is founded in California.

1989 Magellan NAV 1000 introduced as the world's first commercial handheld GPS receiver. First differential GPS receiver introduced by Ashtech Corporation.


1994 Orbital Sciences Corporation acquires Magellan Systems Corporation.

1995 Full constellation of 24 GPS satellites in orbit; system declared fully operational.

1996 Sercel sells its radio-positioning division to Dassault Electronique. A joint venture is formed under the name Dassault Sercel Navigation Positioning. U.S. President Clinton authorizes SA to be phased out to provide civilians worldwide with greater GPS accuracy.

1997 Magellan introduces first handheld global satellite communicator; the GSC 100. Magellan Systems merges with Ashtech Corporation to become Magellan Corporation. Magellan launches world's first handheld GPS receiver priced under $100.

1998 Dassault Electronique becomes full owner of Dassault Sercel N.P.

1999 Dassault Electronique merges with two Thomson-CSF subsidiaries. The three become one company; Thomson-CSF Detexis. Following merger, Dassault Sercel Navigation Positioning becomes DSNP.

2000 DSNP acquires MLR Electronique. The same year, Thomson-CSF changes its name to Thales Group. Selective Availability phased out as a result of the 1996 executive order by U.S. President Clinton. Civilians can now achieve 10-15 meter accuracy, compared to the previously available 100-meter accuracy. This is a major win for the GPS industry and for GPS consumers.

2001 As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Thales Group, DSNP changes its name to Thales Navigation, S.A. July Thales Group acquires Magellan Corporation, merges it with Thales Navigation, S.A. to form Thales Navigation, a global GPS leader.

2006 August Thales Navigation is acquired by a group of investors led by Shah Capital Partners. Company is renamed Magellan.


  北京办事处成立于1989年的北京丽都商务中心,从当年的Sercel公司到现在的麦哲伦,18年来办公室见证了公司产品向壮大、齐全的发展,已经整合全部自主知识产权的DSNP、Ashtech、Magellan、MLR、THALES 等多个世界知名品牌资源