

特伦斯·米切尔(Terence R. Mitchell)
特伦斯·米切尔(Terence R. Mitchell)

特伦斯·米切尔(Terence R. Mitchell)







A.B.1964Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.
Major: Psychology
A.D.P.A.1965University of Exeter, Exeter, England.
Major: Public Administration
M.A.1967University of Illinois, Urbana.
Major: Social Psychology
Ph.D.1969University of Illinois, Urbana.
Major: Social Psychology
Minor: Public Administration


1968 (Summer) Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois, Urbana. Research carried out at the Institute of Anthropos,Athens, Greece.

  • 1968年至1969年伊利诺伊大学心理学系研究助理和导师。
  • 1969年至1972年任华盛顿大学管理与组织和心理学助理教授。
  • 1975年至1978年任美国心理协会委员-科学事务委员会。
  • 1971年至1979年海军研究办公室的首席调查员
  • 1975年至1976年的原子能委员会首席调查员
  • 1979年至1982年美国国家科学基金会的首席调查员
  • 1979年至1983年军队研究所的首席调查员
  • 1984年至1985年海军研究办公室的首席调查员
  • 1977年至1985年任华盛顿大学管理学和组织心理学教授。
  • 1985年,任华盛顿大学工商管理和心理学教授。
  • 1988年,1996年任新西兰坎特伯雷大学厄斯金研究员。
  • 1998年至1999年花旗银行的首席调查员
  • 1990年,1992年,1995,1997任西澳大利亚大学管理部客座教授。
1968-1969Research Associate and Instructor, Department of Psychology,University of Illinois, Urbana.
1969-1972Assistant Professor of Management and Organization and of Psychology, University of Washington.
1972Sears Foundation-American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business Faculty Fellow (July 1 - December 30, 1972). The appointment was with the Department of Labor as a Manpower Analyst with the Division of Program Evaluation Studies.
1972-1977Associate Professor of Management and Organization and of Psychology, University of Washington.
1977-1985Professor of Management and Organization and of Psychology,University of Washington.
1985-present Edward Carlson Professor of Business Administration and Professor of Psychology, University of Washington.
1989Visiting Professor: Australian Graduate School of Management.University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
1990, 1992, 1995,1997 Visiting Professor: Department of Management, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.
1988, 1996Erskine Fellow at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

Research Activities and Interests My major research interest is the study of organizational behavior and human resource management with special reference to the areas of decision making, leadership and motivation. More specifically, I am interested in systematically relating the cognitions and beliefs of group members to their eventual behavior and to overall indices of group activity, performance and satisfaction.

Professional Societies Academy of Management, Divisions of Organization Behavior, and Organization and Management Theory.American Psychological Association, Divisions 8 (Social), and 14 (Industrial and Organizational).

Society for Organizational Behavior.

International Association of Applied Psychologists.

Professional Service Academy of Management--frequent reviewer for National and Regional programs committees. Member of Executive Committee for OB division, 1998-2003. Chair of OB division, 2001-2002.

American Psychological Association--member of Scientific Affairs Committee, 1975-1978. Workshop Committee, 1978-1980.SIOP Awards Committee 1995-2001.

Review Boards, Academy of Management, 1975-1983, Journal of Applied Psychology,1982-1983. Academy of Management Review 1987 – 1993, 1996-2002.

Occasional reviews for numerous other journals.Frequent Reviewer of National Science Foundation research proposals, 1976-present.Governing Board: Society for Organizational Behavior, 1987 - 1992.


Office of Naval Research, 1971-1979Principal Investigator
Atomic Energy Commission, 1975-1976Principal Investigator
National Science Foundation, 1979-1982Principal Investigator
Army Research Institute, 1979-1983Principal Investigator
Office of Naval Research, 1984-1985Co-Principal Investigator
Citibank, 1998-1999Co-Principal Investigator

Awards and Recognition

Selected to write the review of Organizational Behavior for the Annual Review of Psychology (1979)

Chosen as Burlington Northern Scholar of the Year (1981), University of Washington 1974 Psychological Bulletin Paper Selected as a Citation Classic (1985)

Recipient of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award (1998).

Chosen as charter member of Academy of Management’s Hall of Fame (Gold Level),(August, 2000)

Finalist for Best Paper Published in Academy of Management Executive, 2001

Finalist for Best Paper Published in Academy of Management Journal, 2001

Winner of Best Paper Published in Academy of Management Review, 2001

Winner of Best Paper Published (Research in Organizational Behavior chapter) in theField of Organizational Behavior, 2001

Selected Scholar of the Year by the University of Washington School of Business, 2001

Directory of Distinguished Americans

Who's Who in the West

Who's Who in Frontier Science and Technology

Men of Achievement

Who's Who Among Writers

Fellow of Academy of Management

Fellow of Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)


Papers Presented at Major Meetings or Conferences

Fiedler, F. E., and Mitchell, T. R. (1969), The effect of culture training on task group effectiveness. Paper presented at Rochester, NY, Leadership Conference.

Mitchell, T. R. (1971), Leadership style and organizational effectiveness. Paper presented at the Western Academy of Management, April.

Mitchell, T. R., Dossett, D. L., Fiedler, F. E., and Triandis, H. (1971), Culture training:Validation evidence for the culture assimilator. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., September.

Mitchell, T. R. (1972), Integration of expectancy and leadership theories. Paperpresented at Leadership Conference, University of Washington, Spring.

Mitchell, T. R. (1973), Methodological problems with our current use of expectancy theory. Paper presented at the Western Academy of Management, Reno, Nevada,April.

Mitchell, T. R. (1973), Leadership style and organizational effectiveness. Paper presented at the Sixth National Leadership Development Seminar for State Directors of Vocational Education, Nashville, Tennessee, September.

Mitchell, T. R. (1973), A methodological and empirical critique of expectancy theories.Paper presented at Special Conference on VIE Theory at the Academy of Management Meetings, Boston, Massachusetts, August.

Nebeker, D. M. and Mitchell, T. R. (1973), Expectancy theory predictions of leader behavior. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association, Montreal,Canada, August.

Weed, S. E., Mitchell, T. R., and Smyser, C. R. (1974), A test of House's path-goal theory of leadership in an organizational setting. Presented at the Western

Regional Meetings of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco,California, April.

Mitchell, T. R. (1974), Motivation theory: An attempt at integration. Presented at the NATO Conference on Work Design, York, England, August.

Mitchell, T. R. (1974), Cognitions and Skinner: Some questions about behavioral determinism. Presented at the Academy of Management Meetings, Seattle,Washington, August.

Pollard, W. E., and Mitchell, T. R. (1974), Empirical support for a decision theory view of social power. Presented at the American Psychological Association Meetings,New Orleans, Louisiana, September.

Vinson, E. and Mitchell, T. R. (1975), Black and white differences in motivation, an expectancy approach. Presented at the Academy of Management Meetings, New Orleans, Louisiana, August. Weed, S. E., and Mitchell, T. R. (1975), Leadership style, subordinate personality and task type as predictors of performance and satisfaction. Presented at the American Psychological Association Meetings, Chicago, Illinois, September.

Mitchell, T. R., Larson, J. R., and Green, S. G. (1976), Leader behavior, situational moderators and group performance: An attributional analysis. Presented at the American Psychological Association Meetings, Washington, D.C., September.

Umstot, D. D. and Mitchell, T. R. (1976), Goal setting, job enrichment, and expectancy theory: Implications for employee motivation. Presented at the American Psychological Association Meetings, Washington, D.C., September.

Bourgeois, L. J., McAllister, D. W., and Mitchell, T. R. (1977), The effects of different organizational environments upon individuals decisions about organizational design. Presented at the Academy of Management Meetings, Kissimmee, Florida,August.

Dossett, D. L., Latham, G. P., and Mitchell, T. R. (1978), Effects of goal setting when goal difficulty is held constant. Presented at the American Psychological Association Meetings, Toronto, Canada, September.

Mitchell, T. R. and Green, S. G. (1978), Leader responses to poor performance: An attributional analysis. Presented at the American Psychological Association Meetings, Toronto, Canada, September.

Mitchell, T. R. (1979), Current developments in the field of leadership. Presented at the International Meetings of The Institute of Management Science, Honolulu,Hawaii, June.

Mitchell, T. R. (1979), Information processing and performance evaluation. Presented at the International Meetings of The Institute of Management Science, Honolulu,Hawaii, June.

Mitchell, T. R. and Wood, R. E. (1979), An empirical test of an attributional model of leaders' responses to poor performance. Presented at the Academy of Management Meetings, Atlanta, Georgia, August.

McAllister, D. W., and Mitchell, T. R. (1979), An empirical test of the contingency model for the selection of decision strategies. Presented at the Academy of Management Meetings, Atlanta, Georgia, August.

Mitchell, T. R. (1979), Leader attributions and responses to poor performance. Presented at American Psychological Association Meetings, New York, September.

Mitchell, T. R. and Kalb, L. S. (1980), Effects of outcome knowledge and content on supervisor's judgments. Presented at the meetings of The American Psychological Association, Montreal, Canada, September.

Knowlton, W. A. and Mitchell, T. R. (1980), The effects of causal attributions on performance evaluations. Presented at the meetings of the American Psychological Association, Montreal, Canada, September.

Mitchell, T. R. and Wood, R. E. (1981), Attributions, leadership and the evaluation and treatment of the poor performer. Presented at the meetings of the Academy of Management, San Diego, California, August.

Mitchell, T. R. (1981), The effects of social, task and situational factors on motivation,performance, and appraisal. Presented at the Office of Naval Research Conference on Performance Appraisal, Dallas, Texas, November.

Fredrickson, J. and Mitchell, T. R. (1982), Strategic decision processes,comprehensiveness and performance. Presented at the meetings of the Academy of Management, New York, August.

Gartner, W. and Mitchell, T. R. (1982), Eight entrepreneurial archtypes. Presented at the meetings of the Academy of Managment, New York, August.

Liden, R. G. and Mitchell, T. R. (1982), The effects of group interdependence and boss influence on supervisor performance evaluations. Presented at the meetings of the American Institute for Decision Sciences, San Francisco, California,November.

Liden, R. G. and Mitchell, T. R. (1982), Personnel policy development as a response to ineffective performance. Presented at the meeting of the American Institute for Decisions Sciences, San Francisco, California, November.

Wood, R. E. and Mitchell, T. R. (1982), Attributional confidence for success versus failure. Presented at the meetings of the American Psychological Association,New York, August.

Brown, K. A. and Mitchell, T. R. (1982), Motives and demands: An investigation of attributions in bargaining. Presented at the meetings of the American Institute for Decision Sciences, San Francisco, California, November.

Liden, R. C. and Mitchell, T. R. (1983), The influence of negative feedback specificity and favorableness on subordinate reactions. National Meetings of the Academy of Management, August.

Liden, R. C. and Mitchell, T. R. (1983), An experiment test of two employee ingratiation strategies: Advice requests and self disclosure. National Meetings of the American Institute for Decision Science, November.

Brown, K. A., Mitchell, T. R., Newell, W. T. and Schmitt, T. (1983), Diagnosing poor performance in manufacturing settings. National meeting of the American Institute for Decision Sciences, November.

Smith, K. and Mitchell, T. R. (1983), An investigation into the effects of changes in stages of organizational maturation on a decision maker's decision priorities.Meeting of the Southern Management Association.

Smith, K.G., Mitchell, T.R., and Summer, C. (1984), The relationship between stages of organizational development and strategic decision priorities: A dual methodological investigation. Paper presented at the National Meetings of the Academy of Management, Boston, Massachusetts, August.

Beach, L.R. and Mitchell, T.R. (1984), Image theory: A new descriptive model of decision making. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Organizational Behavior, Berkeley, California, October.

Mitchell, T.R. and Ilgen, D.E. (1985), New developments in motivation. Invited address at Doctoral Consortium of the National Meetings of the Academy of Management, San Diego, California, August.

Mitchell, T.R. (1985), An integrated view of theories of leadership. Symposium Presentation at the National Meetings of the Academy of Management, San Diego, California, August.

Brown, K.A. and Mitchell, T.R. (1985), Performance obstacles in high-tech manufacturing. Paper presented at the National Meetings of ORSA-TIMS,Atlanta, Georgia, November.

Beach, L.R. and Mitchell, T.R. (1985), Emotional concomitants of decision making: An Image Theory Analysis. Paper presented at the National Meetings of the Society for Organizational Behavior, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October.

Beach, L.R. and Mitchell, T.R. (1986), Image Theory: A new approach to decision making. Conference on Decision Making, Nags Head, N.C. April.

Beach, L.R. and Mitchell, T.R. (1986), The self in decision making and decision implementation. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association meeting, Washington, D.C. August.

Mitchell, T.R. (1986), A diagnostic model for the use of motivational strategies. 21st International Congress of Applied Psychology, Jerusalem, Israel, July.

Scott, W.G. and T.R. Mitchell. (1986), Administration's moral hemophilia: Its eroding legitimacy. 11th World Sociology Congress, New Delhi, India, August.

Kienast, P., Scott, W.G. and Mitchell, T.R. (1986), Management Initiated Grievance Systems: Why do they fail? National Conference on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution. Athens, Georgia, June.

Scott, W.G. and Mitchell, T.R. (1986), The problem or mystery of evil and virtue in organizations. Conference of Organizations and Ethical Individualism. Houston,Texas, January.

Brown, K.A. and Mitchell, T.R. (1986), Integrating operating conditions and work obstacles into the performance equation. Western Academy of Management Meetings. Reno, Nevada, March.

Smith, K.G. and Mitchell, T.R. (1986), Environmental threats and the strategic decision process. Sixth Annual Strategic Management Society Conference. Singapore,October.

Brown, K.A. and Mitchell, T.R. (1986), An examination of performance obstacles in manufacturing and banking. 1986 Decision Science Institute Conference.Honolulu, Hawaii, November.

Mitchell, T.R. and Beach, L.R. (1986), Empirical support for Image Theory. Society for Organizational Behavior, San Diego, California, October.

Beach, L.R. and Mitchell, T.R. (1987), Image Theory: A descriptive theory of decision making. 11th Research Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making. Cambridge, England, August.

Steven, C.K., Mitchell, T.R. and Tripp, T.M. (1987), Effects on recruiter status and recruiting strategy on target perceptions and decisions. Western Academy of Management Meetings, March.

Mitchell, T.R. (1987), The failing legitimacy of American management. Annual meeting of the Society for Organizational Behavior, Columbus, Ohio, October.

Beach, L. R. and Mitchell, T. R. (1988), Visions of the future and their role in judgmental forecasting, decision making and planning. Paper presented at the Eighth International Symposium on Forecasting, Amsterdam, June.

Fry, L. W., Scott, W. G., Mitchell, T. R. and Nemetz-Mills, P. (1988), Who evaluates the evaluators? A study of governance practices in professional bureaucracies. Paper presented at the National Meetings of the Academy of Management, Anaheim,CA, August.

Mitchell, T. R. and Scott, W. G. (1988), The Barnard-Simon controversy: A vanished legacy. Paper presented at the National Conference of the American Society for Public Administrators, Portland, OR, April.

Mitchell, T. R. and Liden, R. (1988), Ingratiation as an influence strategy on organizational settings. Paper presented at the XXIV International Congress of Psychology, Sydney, Australia, August.

Mitchell, T. R. and Stephens, C. (1988), Effects of recruiter status and strategy on applicant perceptions and decisions. Paper presented at the XXIV International Congress of Psychology, Sydney, Australia, August.

Gist, M. E. and Mitchell, T. R. (1988), Self-efficacy: Unresolved theoretical controversies. Paper presented at the XXIV International Congress of Psychology, Sydney, Australia, August.

Mitchell, T. R. and Ferris, G. R. (1988), Indirect social cues and motivation. Paper presented at the National Meetings of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA, August.

Silver, W.S. and Mitchell, T.R. (1989), Task interdependence and goal strategies. Paper presented at the Western Academy of Management Meetings. San Francisco,March.

Brown, K.A. and Mitchell, T.R. (1989), Just-In-Time versus batch manufacturing: The effects of performance obstacles on direct labor. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute. New Orleans, November.

Mitchell, T.R. and Silver, W.S. (1989), Individual and group goals when workers are interdependent: effects on task strategies and performance. Paper presented at the National Meetings of the Academy of Management, Washington D.C.,August.

Mitchell, T.R. (1991) Leadership accountability and ethical behavior. Paper presented at the Eighth Annual Claremont Symposium on Applied Social Psychology,Claremont McKenna College, Claremont, CA Feb 22.

Scott, W.G. and Mitchell, T.R. (1991) Management discretion and accountability: The rhetoric of the Functions of the Executive. Presented at the Barnard Society Meeting at the Academy of Management, Miami, FL Aug. 11.

Mitchell, T.R. (1991) Accountability and ethical abuses. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Society for Organizational Behavior, Buffalo, N.Y.

George-Falvy, J., Mitchell, T.R., Matthews, L., and Ferris, G.R. (April, 1992) Level in the organization hierarchy and situational attributes of the job. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Portland, OR.

Matthews, L.M., Mitchell, T.R., George-Falvy, J., and Ferris, G.R. (April, 1992) Target status as a determinant of influence tactics used by managers. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Portland, OR.

Matthews, L.M., Mitchell, T.R., and Wood, R. (April, 1992) Task complexity,interdependence and managerial goal setting. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Academy of Management, Spokane, WA.

Brown, K.A., and Mitchell, T.R. (July, 1992) Employee performance obstacles: Issues for manufacturing in the developing free market economies of Eastern Europe.

Paper presented at the Third Conference on International Personnel/Human Resource Management, Ashridge, England.

Lee, T., and Mitchell, T.R. (August, 1992) An alternative approach: The unfolding model of employee turnover. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Mitchell, T.R., George-Falvy, J., and Crandall, S.R. (August, 1992) Business students'justifications of executive compensation: Is it okay to make two million dollars a year? Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management,Las Vegas, Nevada.

Mitchell, T.R. (August, 1992) Personal accountability and ethical behavior in organizations. Paper presented as part of a symposium at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Mitchell, T.R. (1992) A rosy view of decision making. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Organizational Behavior. October, Tucson, Arizona.

Mitchell, T.R., Hopper, H., Daniels, D., George-Falvy, J., & James, L.R. (1993)

Predicting self efficacy and performance during skill acquisition. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management, August, Atlanta,Georgia.

George-Falvy, J., Mitchell, T.R., Daniels, D., & Hopper, H. (1993) Effects of training on self efficacy, expectancies and task performance during skill acquisition. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August,Atlanta, Georgia.

Mitchell, T.R., Rediker, K., Smith, K., & Ferrier, W.J. (1993) Group behavior and attributions for performance outcomes as a function of the differences in the power of a leader. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Management, August, Atlanta, Georgia.

Hopper, H., Mitchell, T.R., Daniels, D., & George-Falvy, J. (1993) Shifts in attributions and expectations as a function of performance and skill acquisition. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Management, August,Atlanta, Georgia.

Mitchell, T.R., Daniels, D., Hopper, H., George-Falvy, J., & Ferris, G.R. (1993)

Contextual correlates of illegal behavior in organizations. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Management, August, Atlanta, Georgia.

Mitchell, T.R., (1993) Goals, interdependence and task complexity. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Society for Organizational Behavior, October,Virginia Beach, VA.

Silver, W.S. & Mitchell, T.R. (1993) Outcomes of self-efficacy: self-set goals,performance and positive self-thoughts. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Management Association, November, New Orleans, LA.

Peterson, E., Thompson, L., & Mitchell, T.R. (1993) The changing evaluation of events over time: A rosy view. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting for the Society of Judgment and Decision Making, November, Washington, D.C.

Ferris, G.R., & Mitchell, T.R. (1994) The social context of performance evaluation.

Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, April, Nashville, Tennessee.

Ferrier, W.J., Smith, K.G., Mitchell, T.R. & Rediker, K.J. (1994) Group behavior and attributions for performance outcomes as a function of the differences in power of the leader. Paper presented at the Florida State University Symposium on Attribution Theory, June, Tallahassee, Florida.

Dakin, S., & Mitchell, T.R. (1994) Rediscovering two-factor theories of work motivation: Equity as a “hygiene” factor. Paper presented at the 23rd International Congress of Applied Psychology, July, Madrid, Spain.

Mitchell, T.R. (1994) Power and accountability and inappropriate actions. Paper presented at the 23rd International Congress of Applied Psychology, July,Madrid, Spain.

Thompson, L., Peterson, E., & Mitchell, T.R. (1994) Temporal Adjustments of the evaluation of events: A test of the “rosy view” hypothesis. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management, August, Dallas, Texas.

Mitchell, T.R. (1995). New perspectives on turnover. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Society for Organizational Behavior, October, Madison, WI:Hopper, H., & Mitchell, T.R. (1995). Individual accountability and its behavioral consequences. Symposium presentation at the National Meetings of the Academy of Management, August, Vancouver, B.C.

Daniels, D., & Mitchell, T.R. (1995). Can do, will do and want to do as motivators to perform well. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management, August, Vancouver, B.C.

Ferris, G.R., Dulebohn, J.H., Frink, D.D., Mitchell, T.R., George-Falvy, J., & Matthews, L.M. (1996). Job and organizational characteristics, accountability and employee influence. Paper presented at the 11th Annual Meetings of the Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology. April, San Diego, CA Mitchell, T.R. (1996). Leadership and motivation. Paper presented at the International Workshop on Leadership, AGSM, Sydney, Australia, January.

Mitchell, T.R. (1997). The multidimensional meaning of money. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Society for Organizational Behavior. Eugene, Oregon,October.

Daniels, D. and Mitchell, T.R. (1998). Repeated use of impression management tactics: Do they lose their power of influence over time? Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management. San Diego, August.

Mitchell, T.R., Dakin, S., Mickel, A. and Gray, S. (1998). The measurement of the meaning of money. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management. San Diego, August.

Lee, T.W., Mitchell, T.R., Holtom, B.C., McDaniel, L. and Hill, J.W. (1998).

Theoretical development and extension of the unfolding model on voluntary turnover. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management. San Diego, August.

Mitchell, T.R. (1998). Motivational interventions: fitting strategies to the context. Paper presented at the 24th International Congress of Applied Psychology. SanFrancisco, August.

Smith, D., Wells, M., Hoffman, H. and Mitchell, T.R. (1998). Aiding the pilot in the 21st century. Paper presented at the Virtual Worlds Consortium, Seattle, May 5.

Mitchell, T.R., Peterson, E. and James, L. (1998) Testing mediator variables for changes over time. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Society for Organizational Behavior, October, Washington, D.C.

Mitchell, T.R., Lee, T.W., Holtom, B. and Erez, M. (1999). The prediction of retention and turnover from a measure of organizational embeddedness. Paper presented at the National Meetings of the Academy of Management, August, Chicago, IL.

Doerr, K., Mitchell, T.R. and Schriesheim, C. (1999). An integrated model of work flow interdependence and performance. Paper presented at the National Meetings of the Academy of Management, August, Chicago, IL.

Mitchell, T.R., Holtom, B. and Lee, T.W. (1999). Decisions regarding organizational attachment: why people leave and why they stay. Paper presented at the 5th international conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, July, Athens, Greece. Doerr, K.H., Zhou, X., Schriesheim, C.A., Freed, T. and Mitchell. T.R. (2000). Workflow policy within and between worker variability in performance. Proceedings of the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Conference. Ann Arbor, MI,June.

Doerr, K.H., Mitchell, T.R., Schriesheim, C.A., Freed, T. and Zhou, X. (2000). Individual differences, interdependence and group performance in the context of flow lines.Paper presented at the National Meetings of the Academy of Management.Toronto, August.

Lee, T.W. and Mitchell, T.R. 2001. Why people stay: More on job embeddedness. Paper given at the Annual meeting of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). April Sablynski, C.J., Mitchell, T.R. and James, L.R. 2001. Identifying aggressive individuals via conditional reasoning: An experimental study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Washington D.C. August.

Future of Work Motivation Theories. 2001. Showcase symposium at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management. With Jeffrey Pfeffer and Rick Steers.Washington D.C. August.

Sablynski, C., Mitchell, T.R. and Lee, T.W., 2003. Third party observers of workplace bullying. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management. August, Seattle.

Lee, T.W., Mitchell, T.R. and Holton, B., 2003. Job embeddedness and social capital.Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management.August,Seattle.

Burton, J.P., Mitchell, T.R. and Lee, T.W., 2003. Negative reactions to injustice: The role of self-esteem and social influences. Paper presented at the Western Academy of Management. April, Palm Springs.

Smith, D.R. and Mitchell, T.R., 2003. Overconfidence, Transactive memory and collective efficacy in student transport pilot crews. Paper presented at the 12th Biennial International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Dayton, Ohio.

Mitchell, T. R., and Lee, T. W., 2005. Organizational attachment: Whey people leave and why they stay. Presentation at the Annual meetings of the society ofr Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). April, Los angeles Journal Publications (Proceedings papers are ones that did not appear elsewhere in a journal).

Foa, U., Mitchell, T. and Lekhyananda, D. (1969), Cultural differences in reaction to failure. International Journal of Psychology, 4, (1), 21-25.

Mitchell, T. and Foa, U. (1969), Diffusion of the effects of cultural training of the leader in the structure of heterocultural task groups. Australian Journal of Psychology,21, (1), 31-43.

Mitchell, T. R. (1970), The construct validity of three dimensions currently studied in the area of leadership research. Journal of Social Psychology, 80 89-94.

Mitchell, T. R. (1970), Leader complexity and leadership style. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 16, 166-174.

Mitchell, T. R., Biglan, A., Oncken, G. E., and Fiedler, F. E. (1970), The contingency model: Criticisms and suggestions. Academy of Management Journal, 13, (3),253-267.

Foa, U. G., Mitchell, T. R., and Fiedler, F. E. (1971), Differentiation matching.Behavioral Science, 16, 130-142. Fiedler, F. E., Mitchell, T. R., and Triandis, H. C. (1971), The culture assimilator: An approach to cross cultural training. Journal of Applied Psychology, 55, (2), 95-103.

Mitchell, T. R., and Biglan, A. (1971), Instrumentality theories: Current uses in psychology. Psychological Bulletin, 76, (6), 432-453.

Mitchell, T. R. (1972), Instrumentality theories: Conceptual and methodological problems. JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 2, 37.

Mitchell, T. R., and Albright, D. W. (1972), Expectancy theory predictions of job satisfaction, job effort, job performance, and retention of naval aviation officers.Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 8, 1-20.

Pollard, W. E., and Mitchell, T. R. (1972), A decision theory analysis of social power.Psychological Bulletin, 78, 433-446.

Mitchell, T. R., Dossett, D. L., Fiedler, F. E., and Triandis, H. C. (1972), Culture training: Validation evidence for the culture assimilator. International Journal of Psychology, 7, 97-104.

Mitchell, T. R., and Fiedler, F. E. (1972), Leadership theory, management training: New developments. Management Quarterly, 13, (3), 29-34.

Worchel, S., and Mitchell, T. R. (1972), An evaluation of the effectiveness of the Thai and Greek culture assimilators. Journal of Applied Psychology, 56, (6), 472-479.

Mitchell, T. R. (1972), Cognitive complexity and group performance. Journal of Social Psychology, 86, 35-43.

Mitchell, T. R. and Knudsen, B. W. (1973), Instrumentality theory predictions of students' attitudes towards business and their choice of business as an occupation.Journal of the Academy of Management, 16, (1), 41-52.

Mitchell, T. R., and Nebeker, D. M. (1973), Expectancy theory predictions of academic effort and performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 57, (1), 61-67.

Mitchell, T. R., and Pollard, W. E. (1973), Instrumentality theory predictions of academic behavior. Journal of Social Psychology, 89, 35-45.

Rice, L. E. and Mitchell T. R. (1973), Structural determinants of individual behavior in organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 18, (1), 56-70.

Mitchell, T. R. (1973), Interview study points out the problem with contract evaluation.Evaluation: A Forum for Human Service Decision-Makers, 1, 21-23.

Mitchell, T. R. (1973), Motivation and participation: An integration. Academy of Management Journal, 16, 670-679.

Vinson, E., and Mitchell, T. R. (1974), Black and white differences in motivation: An expectancy approach. JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology,

November 1974.Nebeker, D. M. and Mitchell, T. R. (1974), Leader behavior: An expectancy theory approach. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 11, 355-367.

Mitchell, T. R. (1974), Expectancy models of job satisfaction, occupational preference and effort: A theoretical, methodological and empirical appraisal. Psychological Bulletin, 82, 1053-1077.

House, R. J. and Mitchell, T. R. (1974), The path goal theory of leadership.Contemporary Business, 3, (4), 81-99.

Mitchell, T. R. (1974), Leadership style and organizational effectiveness. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Leadership Development Seminar for State Directors of Vocational Education, Center for Vocational and Technical Education, Columbus,Ohio, March 1974, 151-166.

Pollard, W. E., Mitchell, T. R., and Beach, L. R. (1974), Empirical support for a decision theory view of social power. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1, 216-219.

Mitchell, T. R., Smyser, C. R., and Weed, S. E. (1975), Locus of control: Supervision and work satisfaction. Academy of Management Journal, 18, 623-630.

Hick, K. W., Mitchell, T. R., Bell, C. H., and Carter, W. B. (1975), Determinants of interpersonal disclosure: Some competitive tests. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, pp. 620-624.

Pollard, W. E., Mitchell, T. R., and Beach, L. R. (1975), An empirical examination of social power in terms of decision theory. Decision Sciences, December 1975, pp.739-751.

Weed, S. E., Mitchell, T. R., and Moffitt, W. (1976), Leadership style, subordinate personality and task type as predictors of performance and satisfaction with supervision. Journal of Applied Psychology, 61, 58-66.

White, S. E., and Mitchell, T. R. (1976), Organizational development: A review of research content and research design. Academy of Management Review, 1, 57-73. Mitchell, T. R. (1976), Cognitions and Skinner: Some questions about behavioral determinism. Organization and Administrative Sciences, 6, 63-72.

Latham, G., and Mitchell, T. R. (1976), Behavioral criteria and potential reinforcers for the engineer/scientist in an industrial setting. JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 6, 83, 1, 316.

Umstot, D. D., Bell, C. H., and Mitchell, T. R. (1976), Effects of job enrichment and task goals on satisfaction and productivity: Implications for job design. Journal of Applied Psychology, 61, 379-394.

Mitchell, T. R., and Beach, L. R. (1976), A review of occupational preference and choice research using expectancy theory and decision theory. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 99, 231-248 Mitchell, T.R., Larson, J.R., and Green, S.G. (1977), Leader behavior, situational moderators, and group performance: An attributional analysis. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 18, 254-268.

Mitchell, T.R. (1977), Expectancy and expected value: Decision models for organizations. Organization and Administrative Sciences, 8, 97-116.

Larson, J.R., and Mitchell, T.R. (1977), Changes in behavior following changes in control over outcomes: A theory based on responses to uncertainty. JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 7, 5, #1411.

White, S., Mitchell, T.R., and Bell, C. (1977), Goal setting, evaluation apprehension and social cues as determinants of job performance and job satisfaction. Journal of Applied Psychology, 62, 665-673.

Drake, B.H., and Mitchell, T.R. (1977), The effects of vertical and horizontal power onindividual motivation and satisfaction. Academy of Management Journal, 20,573-591.