

极地黄金公司(Polyus Gold)
极地黄金公司(Polyus Gold)
极地黄金公司(Polyus Gold)




  极地黄金公司(Polyus Gold)又名Polyus Zoloto,成立于1980年,1996年3月从俄罗斯最大的金属生产商诺里尔斯克公司Norilsk Nickel分离出来。极地黄金公司是俄罗斯最大的黄金生产商,被纳入储量和产量位居全球最大的企业之列。该公司06年黄金产出增长17%至37.8吨。资产组合包括位于Krasnoyarsky、Irkutsky、 Magadansky和布拉戈维申斯克(Amurskiy region)地区以及萨哈(Sakha Republic)的矿田。该公司2006年储量翻番至5,080万盎司

Polyus Gold

  Polyus Gold (MICEX:PLZL RTS:PLZL) (Russian: По́люс Зо́лото, Polyus Zoloto) is a Russian mining and metallurgy company primarily concerned with the production of gold. Polyus is the largest gold producer in Russia.

  Polyus Gold (Open Joint Stock Company, OJSC) is the leading gold producer in Russia and the only Russian company among the world’s largest gold producers.

  Headquartered in Moscow, Polyus Gold’s operating mines and development/exploration projects are located in 5 major gold mining regions of Russia - Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Magadan, Amur regions and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

  Polyus Gold employs over 12 500 people.

  gold production in 2008 totaled 38,0 tonnes (1, 2 k oz).

  The company’s P&P reserves (JORC) as at 1 July 2008 amount to 72,3 m oz., based on the Inpedendent Expert's Report evaluation made by Micon International.

  Polyus Gold Russian reserves as listed by the State Committee of Reserves (GKZ Rosnedra) at July 1, 2008 amount to 98, 6 m oz. of balance В+С1+С2 reserves, including 72, 1 m oz. of Russian В+С1 reserves.

  In Russia Polyus Gold shares are traded on RTS and MICEX. In the UK Polyus Gold ADRs are listed and traded on the LSE. Polyus Gold ADRs are also traded in the over-the-counter market in the United States.

  Polyus Gold is an innovative company that relies on technology to boost competitive advantages. We implement the best standards of corporate governance to position Polyus as an attractive investment.

  Producing a ton of gold creates 1000 jobs. It puts special responsibility on Polyus Gold as the company that facilitates sustainable development of the gold producing regions. The company abides by the principles of absolute financial transparency, fully pays its dues and taxes both to federal and regional governments, and supports sports, education and culture.

History and operations

  Polyus was founded in 1980 by Hazret Sovmen and began working the Olympiad gold field. In 1994 the company obtained the mining license to operate the Olympiada mine. Two years later smelting operations began.

  Lenzoloto, located in the Bodaybo region, was formed in 1921 by the nationalization of over 400 exgtant gold producers in Siberia. In 2003, Lenzoloto joined Polyus group.

  One year after the discovery of gold in Natalka, the Matrosov Mine was founded. In 2004, after joining the Polyus Group, the mine's resources were reappraised and a new open-pit mine was planned upon. The company estimates that Matrosov will become the largest gold field in Russia by 2010.

  • Polyus operates the following gold mining facilities:
    • Krasnoyarsk Krai – the large Olympiada deposit; Blagodantoye, Titimukhta, Tyrada, Oleny, Razdolinskaya, Zyryanovskaya, and Panimba fields.
    • Irkutsk Oblast – Zapadnoye, Verninskoye, Pervenets, and Chyortovo Koryto and Mukodek goldfields as well as some 94 placer deposits.
    • Magadan Oblast – giant Natalka deposit and smaller Degdekan and Vostochnoye fields.
    • Sakha Republic (Yakutia) - Kuranakh ore body and Kyutchus field; 50% interest in the giant Nezhdaninskoye field.
    • Amur Oblast – Bamskoye gold field.

  All those assets have been consolidated by MMC Norilsk Nickel and spun off in 2005 as a separate company still controlled by Interros.

  Gold production in 2005 was 33.5 tons, or about one million ounces. The company holds 25.1 million ounces of gold in proven and probable reserves. The company estimates that it has 76.8 million ounces of gold resources.

  The company's website states that "producing a ton of gold creates 1000 jobs."

The founder of Polyus

  The Founder of Polyus is Hazret Sovmen, who was born in 1937 in Afipsip village of Adygeya Autonomous Republic in Krasnodar region.

  In 1961, having finished school and his term in the army, Hazret volunteered to work on Kolyma gold mines. Thus he started his career in gold mining as plain worker.

  In 1966 Hazret Sovmen was elected chairman of Voskhod gold mining cooperative and in 1969 took the chair in Soyuz cooperative.

  In 1980 the government invited Hazret Somen to move to Krasnoyarsk region to head lead Eniseyzoloto mining company and develop gold mining in the area. Soon after that he organized Polyus gold mining cooperative to set up gold mines in the most remote areas of Krasnoyarsk region and even on the Bolshevik island in the Arctic Ocean.

  In 1983 Polyus joined Olympiada mine project, the largest in Russia, and in the early 1990 it was reorganized in a closed joint stock company.

  In 2002 Hazret Sovmen was elected President of the Adygeya republic and sold his business to Norilsk Nickel.

  For his enormous personal contribution to the development of the gold mining industry in Russia Hazret Sovmen was awarded State Order of Honor and State Order for Service to Homeland and other honorary medals.


  OJSC Polyus Gold Strategic Development Plan for the Period of 2006 - 2015

  New development srategy for OJSC Polyus Gold was approved by Board of Directors meeting on September 14th, 2006.

  The strategy provides a plan for Polyus Gold to boost its gold production, to increase its reserves, net income, and market cap in 2006-2015, which will elevate OJSC Polyus Gold to the Top 5 of the global gold producers.

  • Key 2015 targets include:
    • JORC proven and probable reserves - at least 68 million oz;
    • Annual gold production - at least 3.9 million oz;
    • EBITDA - US$710…900 million;
    • Net cash flow - US$600…710 mln;
    • Net debt - no more than US$100 mln.

  To reach these targets, the strategy envisages total capex of US$3.4 billion for 2006-2015. This covers investments both to boost production and to acquire new assets and licenses in Russia and internationally, should suitable opportunities arise.


CJSC Polyus

  Polyus-Krasnoyarsk business unit (ZAO "Polyus") represents the group’s leading production site and currently is the largest gold mining project in Russia.

  Core activity of Krasnoyarsk business unit is development of Olympiada deposit. The ore is processed on Olympiada processing plant, which is the first in Russia to use its in-house bio-oxidation technology. The Olimpiada mine facilities account for as much as 75% of the Group gold output.

  Besides mining and processing divisions Krasnoyarsk business unit also includes geological exploration unit. The unit conducts exploration works to estimate reserves of Blagodatnoye, Titimukhta, Olenii and Kvartsevaya Gora deposits, as well as Panimba ore cluster, Zyryanovskaya and Razdolinskaya fields.

  In 2004 a Research center with 6 laboratories was set up in Krasnoyarsk to provide R&D support for all Polyus operations.


  Irkutsk placer business unit was formed in 2004 on the basis of Lenzoloto acquired by the group.

  Lenzoloto operates placer deposits in Irkutsk region through its 8 subsidiaries which develop 10 dredging sites and 42 surface production sites. In total 94 placer deposits are developed in the basins of rivers Vitim, Zhuya, Bolshoy Patom and Maly Patom. Lenzoloto employs some 5,000 people.

  Lenzoloto runs the largest production facilities in Russia for placer mining. The company’s draglines park exceeds the total capacity of remaining domestic dragline fleet. High capacity mining equipment allows Lenzoloto to mine placers deeper than 50 meters.

Matrosov Mine

  The Magadan business unit of Polyus Group has been established in 2004 on the basis of Matrosov mine facilities.

  Matrosov mine holds exploration and production licenses for Natalka gold deposit as well as Vostochnaya (Tokichanskaya), Degdekan, Tchay-Yurja and Omchak prospecting areas in Magadan region.

  Natalka deposit was known since 1944. In 2004 operations at Matrosov mine were shut down as economically non-viable.

  Polyus Gold's vision of Natalka provided for unique exploration opportunities and high possibility of substantial increase of its reserves.

  In 2004 vast exploration programme at Natalka were launched to build grounds for large scale open pit operations on the deposit. Advanced exploration technologies as well as innovative approach to reserves evaluation were brought in.

  • Through 2004-2006 exploration programme at Natalka were carried out, including
    • 118 900 m of diamond drilling

**3 808 m of underground workings

    • 654 500 cubic m of trenches
    • 49 855 of geological samples

  During the period new Datamine® model was assembled, and independent audit of reserves was carried out in 2005, 2006.

  Total budget amounted US$100 million.

  In January 2007 the State Reserves Committee (GKZ Rosnedra) of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation had completed its expertise of the scoping study for Natalka deposit.

  The expertise resulted in the state listing of 1500.8 tonnes (48 m oz) of gold in Russian B+C1+C2 categories in pit outline at the average grade 1.7 g/t, including 1282.9 tonnes (41,2 m oz) of B+C1. In addition to this, the state expertise confirmed 335.3 tonnes (11 m oz) as off-balance reserves outside the pit outline.

  The scoping study is based on the open pit mining. The production of gold at Natalka is scheduled to commence in 2012. The annual gold production will amount to approx. 1 million oz on reaching full project capacity.

  The investments into the projects are estimated as US$1.5 billion.


  Lena Gold Mining Company (LZRK) was established in 2004 as a business unit which operates Polyus' hard rock gold projects in Irkutsk region.

  LZRK runs Zapadnoye mine in Bodaibo area of Irkutsk region and carries out exploration and development works at Verninskoye, Pervenets, Chertovo Koryto and Mukodek deposits.

  LZRK owns Vitimenergo power company, which is the key power supplier and telecom service provider in Mamsko-Chuysk and Bodaibo areas. Production facilities of Vitimenergo include Mamakan hydro-power plant and diesel power plants.

  • LZRK runs a number of support businesses:
    • Lenrem is involved in maintenance and repair of mining equipment;
    • Lengeo provides exploration and prospecting works for the company;


  OJSC South Verkhoyansk Mining Company (SVMC) was created in 1997 as the lisence holder for Nezhdaninskoye gold deposit, one of the largest in Russia.

  Polyus Gold acquired 50% interest in SVMC from Alrosa Investment Group in September 2005. By the end of 2006 the 100% block in the company was consolidated by Polyus Gold.

  Nezdaninskoe deposit was originally discovered in 1951 and since 1974 was subject to a small scale underground production, which was shut down in early 2005.

  For 2006-2007 additional exploration are planned at the deposit in order to design new pre-feasibility study, taking into account various development models based on a combination of open pit and underground mining.

Aldanzoloto GRK

  The history of Aldanzoloto GRK dates back to 1924 when Yakutia State Gold Mining Trust was created and later named Aldanzoloto.

99.2% of OJSC Aldanzoloto GRK was acquired by Polyus Gold in September 2005.

  OJSC Aldanzoloto GRK now stands as the largest gold producer in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and develops Kuranakh gold deposit. Kuranakh mine employs over 2000 people.

  In 2005 Kuranakh mine yielded 4.1 tons of gold of which Polyus accounts for 1.1 ton produced in the Q4 2005.

  Since Aldanzoloto GRK was acquired by Polyus, mine development program was designed that included new feasibility study, fleet expansion and production upgrade.